Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Spirit of 1 Malaysia(Hari Kanak-Kanak 16 Nov 2010)

Three BEST friends.... when you see one, you see the other two...always together.

Bila satu sedih sebab di tegur oleh Cikgu, the other two pun sedih.

They are pupils of Kelas 3 Cempaka 2010

Hari Kanak-Kanak 16 Nov 2010

The school celebrated Children's Day on 16 Nov 2010.

Award of Tokoh Kanak-kanak by YDP PIBG 2010

A caring teacher with the pupils

Presentation by the Pupils

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Hari Graduasi (Tahun 6) 2010 SK Taman Jasmin

We celebrated Hari Graduasi for all the pupils of Tahun 6 on 13 Nov 2010.

This is the FIRST time that Parents of the pupils were invited to witness the event.

This is the FIRST time that the event was held in the school.

Nasi Minyak Lunch was provided.

With sincere THANKS to Mr Kannan(AJK PIBG) for sponsoring the vegetarian meals.

We apologize if there is any "kekurangan" and hope that we could do better in the coming years to overcome whatever lacking.

We would like to THANK Timbalan Pegawai Pelajaran(Tn Muhamad Radhi b. Abdullah), Gurubesar(Pn Maznah), Parents, Teachers and pupils for making this event a success.

(We will post more photos soon. Meanwhile enjoy you recognize them?? :) )

Monday, November 8, 2010

School Unicamp 2010 on 15 Oct 2010

AJK PIBG were invited to the event which started on 15 Oct 2010 and ended on 17 Oct 2010.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

We have a Peti Cadangan PIBG (Suggestion Box)

We have a Peti Cadangan PIBG(Suggestion Box) located at the Guard House at the Main Entrance of the School.

Please feel free to send us your suggestion to make the school better for our children.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

UPSR 2010

Pupils of Standard 6 sat for their UPSR from 21 Sept 2010 to 23 Sept 2010.

The pupils were given breakfast every morning prior to the examination. They were also given writing utensils and raisins.

On 23 Sept 2010, the pupils were required to sit for another paper after lunch. They were given lunch.

Special THANKS and APPRECIATION to Mr Kumar and Mr Mano for providing lunch meal for the vegetarian pupils(about 30 pupils).

One of the FIRST School in Malaysia with Epoxy Flooring - Foyer Flooring(Jogathon Program 2010)- Completed on 17 Sept 2010

The Epoxy flooring for the Foyer was completed on 17 Sept 2010.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Foyer Flooring(Jogathon Program 2010)

Under the Jogathon Program, we have executed the Project to refurbish the floor of the Foyer. Project was awarded to No Skid (M) Sdn Bhd and work commenced on 13 Sept 2010

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Program Jogathon PIBG 2010 Taman Jasmin (Kutipan dan Kerja-kerja yang perlu dilaksanakan)

Untuk maklumat lanjut mengenai perlaksanaan Kerja-kerja tersebut, tuan puan boleh berhubung dengan :-

1. Mr Shri Ram 019-212 0224

2. Mr David Ng 019-2253354

3. En Azmi 012-925 7462

4. Mr Ng PK 019-3102880

Tuesday, August 17, 2010



Syabas dan Tahniah kepada seluruh warga SKTJ di atas anugerah yang telah diperolehi bagi kategori Peningkatan UPSR pada Majlis Anugerah Pencapaian Akademik Daerah Hulu Langat 2010 bagi pencapaian UPSR untuk tahun 2009. Diharap pencapaian ini dapat diteruskan untuk tahun ini.

LARIAN JOGATHON - Ahad, 18 Julai 2010

Larian Jogathon telah dijalankan pada hari Ahad, 18 Julai 2010 yang lalu. Sambutan Ibu bapa dan murid sangat menggalakkan. Pihak PIBG ingin merakamkan jutaan terima kasih kepada semua yang terlibat secara langsung atau tidak langsung bagi menjalankan kutipan dan larian jogathon tersebut.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010



Perjumpaan Ibu Bapa dan Guru Tahun 6 telah diadakan pada hari Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010 yang lepas bertempat di Foyer Sekolah. Perjumpaan diadakan bagi menerangkan kepada ibu bapa tentang perancangan untuk murid tahun 6 bagi menghadapi peperiksaan UPSR. Terima kasih diucapkan kepada semua ibu bapa yang telah hadir.