Wednesday, September 29, 2010

We have a Peti Cadangan PIBG (Suggestion Box)

We have a Peti Cadangan PIBG(Suggestion Box) located at the Guard House at the Main Entrance of the School.

Please feel free to send us your suggestion to make the school better for our children.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

UPSR 2010

Pupils of Standard 6 sat for their UPSR from 21 Sept 2010 to 23 Sept 2010.

The pupils were given breakfast every morning prior to the examination. They were also given writing utensils and raisins.

On 23 Sept 2010, the pupils were required to sit for another paper after lunch. They were given lunch.

Special THANKS and APPRECIATION to Mr Kumar and Mr Mano for providing lunch meal for the vegetarian pupils(about 30 pupils).

One of the FIRST School in Malaysia with Epoxy Flooring - Foyer Flooring(Jogathon Program 2010)- Completed on 17 Sept 2010

The Epoxy flooring for the Foyer was completed on 17 Sept 2010.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Foyer Flooring(Jogathon Program 2010)

Under the Jogathon Program, we have executed the Project to refurbish the floor of the Foyer. Project was awarded to No Skid (M) Sdn Bhd and work commenced on 13 Sept 2010